MDA d Awards 2019 Celebration Night

Malaysian Digital Association (MDA) achieved another milestone on Apr 10th while we hosted 450+ industry friends, and some of them came from Singapore, Thailand, and Philippines, in d Awards 2019 Celebration Night.

We were glad to welcome our honored guests, Dato’ Wan Peng Ng, Chief Operating Officer, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and Mr. Razaleigh Zainal, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, MDEC.

This year, we are celebrating MDA’s 10th anniversary. And d Awards 2019, our awards event celebrating great works and great talents, is part of the celebration.

From the left Ms Eileen Ooi, d Awards 2019 Organising Chairperson with honored guests; Mr Razaleigh Zainal, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Dato’ Ng Wan Peng, Chief Operating Officer, MDEC & Mr Serm Teck Choon, President, Malaysian Digital Association (MDA).
Accepting the Best Digital Publisher of the Year Gold Award from Ms Chuah Jia Wen, Head of Industry – Consumer Product Goods, Google Malaysia is from the left; Mr Nicholas Sagau, Group General Manager, Media Prima Digital, Mr Rafiq Razali, Chief Executive Officer, Media Prima Digital and Mr Tze Khay, Managing Director, REV Asia.

Mr Gan Hak Chian, Co-Founder of Magnus Games Studio accepting the Digital Person of the Year award from Ms. Eileen Ooi, d Awards 2019 Organising Chairperson and Mr. Serm Teck Choon, MDA President.
KFC – Optimization on Steroids campaign team from Universal McCann accepting the Grand Prix Award from Ms. Eileen Ooi, d Awards 2019 Organising Chairperson and Mr. Serm Teck Choon, MDA President.
The Digital Impact of the Year Award winner – Universal McCann accepting from Ms. Eileen Ooi, d Awards 2019 Organising Chairperson and Mr. Serm Teck Choon, MDA President.
The d Awards organising committee: Charmaine Lee ( from the left), the organising chairman, Eileen, Ooi Wei Ling, Serm and Nicholas Sagau Tony Ngimat

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