8TV Global Watch: WeChat Pay Launch in Malaysia

8TV’s Global Watch interviewed me on WeChat Pay launch in Malaysia [27 Aug 2018]:

1. The competitive advantage of WeChat Pay is that it can leverage on its social network popularity in Malaysia to boost up the usage of its e-wallet feature

2. That WeChat Pay allows users to give his/her contacts money packets will create a network effect that no other e-wallet players could have

3. Next 3 years will be a crucial duration for our country to become a cashless society ultimately

微信令吉钱包正式在我国开通,你是否已经搭上这列无现金付款 的列车?! 我国能否正式开启电子钱包付费热潮? 令吉钱包只限于大马使用,地域划分的特点是否无法达到无国界的便利? 让我们与特约嘉宾孙德俊和主持人徐嘉得与张宝蔹一起探究无现金付费在我国的发展趋势!

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